The Treaty of Versailles, which effectively ended World War I, required Germany to "pay reparations"--which were very harsh and actually led to the outbreak of World War II.
A. Henry Ford
Henry Ford helped revolutionize speeds of creating automotives using the assembly line in which helped make them more affordable.
Because if they don't have wealth they won't be able to buy their supplies and hire crewmen. They wouldn't be able to get ships and boats.
The American System promised to help their industries obtain raw materials. The American System promised to improve overseas trade with Europe.
After two centuries (off and on) as a province of the Persian empire, Egypt was conquered by Alexander the Great. After his death in 323 BCE, Egypt passed into the hands of his general, Ptolemy, and his descendants. Under them, Egypt has become the wealthiest and most highly organized of the “Hellenistic” kingdoms.