By default, if you do not implement a constructor, the compiler will use an empty constructor (no parameters and no code). The following code will create an instance of the MyObject class using the default constructor. The object will have the default vauesfor all the attributes since no parameters were given.
MyObject obj = new MyObject();
Another type of constructor is one with no parameters (no-arg constructor). It is similar to the default, except you actually create this constructor. The contents of the the constructor may include anything. To call a no-arg constructor, use the same line of code as above. The constructor can look like the one below:
public MyObject() {
System.out.println("This is a no-arg constructor");
Lastly there is the parameterized constructor. This type of constructor takes in parameters as inputs to assign to values in the newly created object. You call a parameterized constructor as follows:
MyObject obj = new MyObject("Bob", 20);
The constructor will look like this:
public MyObject(String name, int age) { = name;
this.age = age;
In the constructor, the keyword "this" refers to the object, so is a private global variable that is being set equal to the inputted value for name, in this case "Bob".
Hope this helps!
A conscise and informative subject line is necessary for a good email. The subject line should give the receiver a good idea what the topic is of the email. An informative subject line also helps the recipient to identify the email as an important message and not spam.
Charge back.
A chargeback is a charge that is returned to a payment card after a customer successfully disputes an item on their account transactions report. Simply put, it is the reversal of a credit card payment that comes directly from the bank.
Most commonly the payer is a consumer.
A chargeback may occur on bank accounts or credit cards. They can be granted to a cardholder for a variety of reasons. A chargeback can be considered a refund since it returns specified funds taken from an account through a prior purchase. Chargebacks are focused on charges that have been fully processed and settled. Chargebacks can often take several days for full settlement as they must be reversed through an electronic process involving multiple entities.
The chargeback is ordered by the bank that issued the consumer's payment card.
Take this one step at a time. Your teacher has given you the code for step 1. Now write step 2. Then 3, and so on.
For step 2: if you're using Python v2.x you'd use a line like
guess = int( raw_input( "Take another guess: " ) )
For Python v3.x it would be:
guess = int( input( "Take another guess: " ) )
Break it down into small pieces, it's not a complicated assignment.