Evaluation-the making of a judgment about the amount, number, or value of something; assessment
Domain Name-Is a websites name (ex-Google)
Authoritativeness-The quality of possessing authority. The quality of trustworthiness and reliability.
Accuracy-the quality or state of being correct or precise
Timeliness-the fact or quality of being done or occurring at a favorable or useful time.
Objectivity-the quality of being objective.
Writing Style and Mechanics-Style has to do with how a piece of writing sounds. Everyone has a style which develops along with their writing.
Paragraph structure: Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that provides an overall understanding of the paragraph. ...
Sentence length: Sentences should be kept as short as possible so that their structure is simple and readable.
Graphics-are visual images or designs
Links- is an open source text and graphic web browser with a pull-down menu system.
Search for it in the start menu. Once you find it, right click and press "Pin to taskbar."
(B) A single public IP address that it can use for NAT
Because the IPV4 IP protocol is still used today, the number of available IP addresses is limited (only 4,294,967,296 addresses in the world), for this reason, the most correct practice is the assignment of a single public IP to those companies that acquire services from an ISP, with some few exceptional cases of companies that own several.
So that the company's addressing can be executed successfully, the use of NATs is enabled, this allows the translation of network addresses, allowing the company to have as many private networks as necessary and that these can be communicated Correctly with the global network, the Internet, through the public IP of the company.
colorfulness and depending on your teacher pick colors that will go together on the project
Network diagram is the type of graphical networking chart that is basically used in the various type of computer telecommunication. The network diagram is useful for the networking designer and also for the network engineer for compiling the network documentation in detail.
Wiring semantic is the type of open source prototype platform which basically composed of the programming language and the IDE ( Integrated development environment). The wiring semantic consumer can affect the triggering the new data or information from the existing concepts.