dataFile << salary;
To write salary to a file (payroll.dat) using ofstream, you make use of the following instruction:
<em>ofstream dataFile;
<em> ("payroll.dat");
<em>myfile <<salary;
<em />
This line creates an instance of ofstream
<em>ofstream dataFile;
This line opens the file payroll.dat
<em> ("payroll.dat");
This is where the exact instruction in the question is done. This writes the value of salary to payroll.dat
<em>myfile <<salary;
This closes the opened file
<em />
<em />
Following is the algorithm to interchange the value of two variable x and y.
step 1:Read the two integer x and y.
step 2 :t=x
Step 3: x=y
step 4: y=t
The minimum number of assignment to do this is 3
After reading two integer x & y, create a variable "t" of integer type.
with the help of variable "t", we can swap the value of variable x and y.
It requires 3 assignment to interchange the value.
<span>E-waste is a popular name for elecronics at the end of their "useful life".. computers, tv, steros, copiers, and fax mations are some common products. many of them can be reused, refurbished, or recycled.
The type of windows I am using is:Windows 8.1
hayi no ntwana.... lala boy