What is the historical significance of Rowlandson’s The Narrative Of the Capacity and Restoration of Mrs.Mary Rowlandson
The given quote sets the dark tone for the play by referring to the <em>rotten </em>state of politics in Denmark.
'Hamlet' is a play written by William Shakespeare. The given quote is taken from 'Hamlet', Act I, Scene IV. And spoken by Marcellus.
This quote was spoken when Hamlet follows the ghost or appartition of his deceased father, King Hamlet. After seeing Hamlet follow the appartition into the forest, Marcellus states the given quote <em>'Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.' </em>The context in which Marcellus states the quote is stating to the state that something is wrong not only in politics but the whole state.
The quote further sets the dark tone of the play by foreshadowing the darkness and rottennes that was about to take place in Denmark. The play after this event sets forth to dark phase. The presence of ghost in the state represents the fate of Denmark.
Answer:A surface wave is a wave in which particles of the medium undergo a circular motion. Surface waves are neither longitudinal nor transverse.
I think that's what you're asking for?