The best action to take is to download and install the last good update; in that case, it will override the recent unstable update.
An update is not like a single program that can be add or remove from the control panel.
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Shortly after the Pioneers made their flybys, the Voyager1 and Voyager 2 probes followed. They made many important discoveries aboutJupiter and Saturn, including rings around Jupiter and the presence ofvolcanism on Jupiter's moon, Io. Voyager went on to make the first flybys ofUranus, where it discovered 10 new moons, and Neptune, where it found thatNeptune actually weighs less than astronomers thought. Both Voyager crafts have enough power to keep transmitting radio signals until at least 2025, and are now exploring the very edge of the solar system and beginning of interstellar space. Voyager 2 is currently the farthest man-made object from Earth, at more than a hundred times the distance from the Earth to the sun, and more than twice as far as Pluto.
I hope this helps chu
off the top of my head I think this might be (CSMA/CD)