I'm having trouble on this too :(
<span>Platanthera praeclara -
Las principales amenazas a esta planta son el desarrollo, el pastoreo excesivo, los incendios y el calentamiento global.
Symphyotrichum georgianum -
en peligro debido al desarrollo del hábitat natural.
Zizania texana -
amenazada por la disminución de los niveles de agua causada por la presa de Spring Lake.
Thelypodium howellii ssp. Spectabilis -
pero su población disminuye anualmente debido a la siega de pasto innecesaria en las áreas que esta planta llama hogar.
Stenogyne Kanehoanait-
se descubrió que los recortes de esta planta se pueden cultivar exitosamente en cautividad.
No soy tan fluido en español.</span>
Well, I'd assume the heart
because it pumps blood and oxygen and everything really relies on it.
it could also be other important organs such as the brain, heart, kidneys, liver and lungs, but the heart is the root of all the bodies functions working properly.
The universal genetic code known as DNA, found in all living organisms, is firm indication of a common design of all life. The actual number of first organisms is not known, making the prospect of common origin not only singular, as God, the creator of life, initially created the first life to bioform the Earth, changing the surface, the seas, and the atmosphere to prepare the environment for the progression of more complex life that would follow.
DNA is the most complex information system in the universe, firmly establishing the existence of God, the creator, as no naturalistic process could ever create life.
Answer:The helix structure Of DNA helps prevent it from been expose and also the sugar and phoshate group that are important components of nucleotides forms a backbone on the helix structure or the polynucleotide this back bone is hydrophobic i.e water loving hence wouldn't allow for penetration for water.
2. Hydrogen bond is formed between this bases to keep them in place.