The best term that portrays the highlights of an american robin with its nearby family members is autapomorphy.
An autapomorphy is a particular component that is remarkable to a given taxon. In the given case, this component is block red gut and dark back. This component is seen in just the american robin species and not related species in the family.
Apomorphy is characterizes as a novel trans-formative attribute that is one of a kind to a specific animal categories and every one of its relatives and which can be utilized as a characterizing character for an animal groups or gathering in phylogenetic terms. For instance ownership of quills is an element one of a kind to flying creatures and is a characteristic that characterizes all the individuals from the Ave's class.
Synapomorphy is a trademark present in a tribal species and shared solely by its trans-formative relatives.
A plesiomorphy or symplesiomorphy is a tribal character or attribute state shared by at least two taxa.
Well with the ph above 7 that means the water is more of a base due to the salt within the water. the decrease in the ph is due to gloabal warming and the melting of ice which is somewhat diluting the water more. the wildlife within the ocean has been there since you or i so some creatures have developed a very specific habbitat and less salt withing the water could have effects on them. one such instace is if the organism needs a lot of salt. a decrease in salt would mean that their cells would bloat with water until they explode. this would obviously hurt the species as a whole and in turn effect the whole food chain.
Soil getting dug up by moles.
It is a lipid. Lipids are some of the most complex basic materials in biology. You can remember them as they have 23 hydrogens, and one H0.