The epiglottis is the flap in the throat which allows the entry of the food inside the windpipe and the lungs. This flap is composed of elastic cartilage that actually covers the mucous membrane. It is attached to the entrance of the larynx. It is situated and projected upwards typically can be seen behind the tongue as well as the hyoid bone that typically point dorsally. It's function is to seal off the windpipe during the process of eating of food, so as to prevent the inhalation of food.
Direct transmission is the way something is transmitted directly, like a illness given to you by touch.
Example 1:
I got coronavirus through direct transmission when I hugged my infected friend.
Example 2:
When I had pink eye, I forgot to wash my hands after reaching to scratch my diseased eye, and held my sister's hand. She ended up getting pink eye too, because of the direct transmission.
I hope this helps!
-No one
The answer is C. licensed nurses
That said, here's the step-by-step doffing method the CDC recommends on its website:
Remove gloves. ...
Remove gown. ...
Healthcare personnel may now exit patient room.
Perform hand hygiene.
Remove face shield or goggles. ...
<h3>Remove and discard respirator (or facemask if used instead of respirator).</h3>