It improved communication across longer distances.
The Pullman strike ended with widespread violence and the President at the time (Grover Cleveland) sent out the army to stop the strikes from obstructing the trains from running. The Pullman Strike was a boycott which shut down much of the passenger and freight trains west of Detroit because of reduction wages. Many of these workers were laid off and had their wages lowered, but did not have their rent lowered which was essentially unfair, as they all lived in towns for train workers.
Constitutianale Government
constitutional government (a combination of oligarchy and democracy under law) the ideal form of government, but he observes that none of the three are healthy and that states will cycle between the three forms in an abrupt and chaotic process known as the anacyclosis.
He gained control by using his power. He became the dictator.
So in 1922 Mussolini claimed that only he could restore Italy back to it's greatness. So he was made prime minister, but by 1925 he abused his power and made himself dictator and he maintained control over Italy.
While the idea of a new world order was sound in principle, it did not address the power or economic differences that existed around the globe. It also did not address how global issues such as climate change and how the emergence of the Internet and social media might create conflict around the world.
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