The matrix theory is used by hill cipher.
Th technique which uses matrix theory is hill cipher technique.
Hill cipher technique is a polygraphic substitution cipher and it is based on linear algebra.
For encrypting a message in Hill Cipher technique each block of n letters is multiplied by an invertible matrix of nxn and that to against modulus 26 and for the decryption of the message, every block is multiplied by the inverse of the matrix that was used for encryption.
The following is not an interconnector :
A wireless keyboard jack
- An interconnector is a structure which enables energy to flow between networks.
- An electrical or optical connection or cable that connects two separate devices.
- Since a wireless device does not have a cable connecting the two, they are not an interconnector.
- The cable that connects your monitor or hard drive to the computer system is called an interconnect.
- Switches can be used to connect together a number of end-user devices such as workstations, or to interconnect multiple network segments.
- A standard computer system will contain multiple interconnects.
hey what's the language can't understand