El presidente Truman envía fuerzas estadounidenses para evitar que los coreanos extiendan su gobierno comunista
El presidente Truman envía fuerzas estadounidenses a Corea del Sur para restringir la invasión del Norte. Fue un intento de contener el comunismo y ayudar a sus aliados. El comunismo según el Sr. Truman ha traspasado todos los límites para conquistar naciones independientes. Por lo tanto, EE. UU. Interferirá y utilizará la invasión armada e incluso estará listo para tener una guerra para evitar cualquier otra intrusión del reinado coreano.
First shots of the Texas Revolution fired in the Battle of Gonzales. On October 2, 1835, the growing tensions between Mexico and Texas erupt into violence when Mexican soldiers attempt to disarm the people of Gonzales, sparking the Texan war for independence.
Hope this helps!
I think all of them are correct. It would be the objective of any language that was spoken by a diverse population of nearly a billion people.
Europeans viewed Islam as a threat and worked hard on stopping its spread. At that time Islam saw a great expansion in North Africa and even on the Iberian peninsula which was almost fully under the rule of Muslims. Later wars were fought and Muslims were pushed back down the peninsula into a small area that after a few centuries the new kingdom of Castile eliminated. So to summarize Christians in Europe did not like the Muslim expansion and as soon as they could they worked on eliminating them.
So, a good answer to this would look at the following:
The big difference between the North and South was the divide between industrial and agrarian. The Southern economy was heavily based on farming tobacco and cotton and used slave labor. The Northern economy developed into an industrial economy.
Social Structure:
Again, the Northern live was based around industrial bases located in urban centers. So, Northern social structures were based on merchant class structures while the Southern structure was based on who owned the largest plantation.
Daily Life:
Go into city v. country
Social Attitudes:
This is where the divide on slavery emerged. Religious differences between Unitarianism and Episcopal/Baptist faith fueled this
The concluding paragraph:
The question is asking you to take what you talked about above, particular in regards to geography, social structure, and daily life and apply it to the West. Does the West at the time sound more like New England's industrial urban centers or the South's spread out plantations in need of cheap workers?