In the implementation of queue by using linked chain the performance of the enqueue operation is O(1).We have to maintain two pointers one head and the other tailand for enqueue operation we have to insert element to the next of the tail and then make that element tail.Which takes O(1) time.
binary,decimal, hexadecimal and octal number system
Multi herramientas
Un kit tecnologico debe contener todas las herramientas necesarias para el trabajo que lo necesites, por ejemplo destornillador magnetico con varias puntas, herramientas para desmontar y por supuesto tener buena claridad para trabajar y alcohol isoprofilico de al menos 90+ para limpiar electronicos.
i. This value was not accepted because we have 12 months and not 13.
ii. This is because the user entered the value for the day as value for the month.
i. Why was this not accepted?
This value was not accepted because we have 12 months and not 13. The user entered a value that was above the maximum value registered for the number of months in a year- which is 12.
ii. Why do you think this error occurred
This is because the user entered the value for the day as value for the month.
This could be because the user uses a date system different from that of the program.
you can go to settings and try to fix it or contact the people of this website