Answer: Firstly put your finger under some cold water and light dry it with a towel. If you have aloe Vera that would be great but don’t use lotion or any other face cream/body cream because it will irritate the burn and eventually your finger. Lastly keep your finger away from anything that can harm it such as paper, once the aloe Vera dries apply more until you feel comfortable to put a band aid on your finger
Hopefully your finger gets better fast :)
Nurse, Doctor, Dermatologyst, Surgeon
the digestive and circulatory are the two systems that get nutrients to the bone cells
Heart attacks happen suddenly when one of the arteries leading to the heart becomes blocked and cuts off the blood flow. Without oxygen, the heart muscles start to die.
Heart failure, on the other hand, usually develops gradually. The heart muscle becomes weaker and has trouble pumping blood to nourish the cells in your body. This is a chronic condition that gradually gets worse. But medications can help you live longer and better with it