The Mongols are an ethnic group of Asia that created the Mongol Empire in 1206, which is mainly known due to its rapid grown and multiple invasions to other territories. Indeed, the Mongols originated in Mongolia, but expanded through the east and west of Asia which had an effect on trade and culture of other territories including the northern of China that was invaded in 1207 and became part of the Mongol Empire by 1279, which had an important cultural impact in the country and part of Turkey that was invaded in 1242 where remains of the Mongol Empire can be found even nowadays, other territories, including part of Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Austria and Serbia were also invaded in some cases for short time and therefore the influence was not as strong as in the case of China and Turkey. Considering this, the presence of the Mongols had a large cultural effect on China and Turkey.
Your answers will be "The money supply became less liquid", "Lending and credit stopped", and "It was difficult for banks to receive the loans needed to have cash required to function".