A. Reject (Alternative 1) $0.00
Accept (Alternative 2) $1.12
Differentials Effect on income (Alternative 2) $1.12
B. Accepted (Alternative 2)
a. Preparation of a differential analysis dated March 16 on whether to reject (Alternative 1) or accept (Alternative 2) the special order.
Reject (Alternative 1) or Accept (Alternative 2)
March 16
Reject Accept Differentials Effect on income
(Alternative 1) (Alternative 2) (Alternative 2)
Revenue per unit $0.00 $7.20 $7.20
Variable manufacturing costs per unit
$0.00 -$5.00 -$5.00
Export tariff per unit
$0.00 -$1.08 -$1.08
Income (Loss) per unit $0.00 $1.12 $1.12
b. Based on the above differential analysis
the special order should be ACCEPTED (Alternative 2).
This is false. When inflation happens, prices go up in the economy.
Credit Treasury Stock $20,000
When the company reissued the shares, the Treasury Stock account is credited by the same price they were acquire. i.e. in this case we acquire the treasury stock at a price of $20.
Cash (1,000 * 12) 12,000
Additional Paid in Capital 8,000
Treasury Stock (1,000 * 20) 20,000
A. For knowing today's value of the bequest we need to know the period of time.
When the first payment occure and how many payments were made.
b. Immediate value of bequest is $3,000 After one year it needto be 1.16*3,000=$3,480 Plus the second payment will be 1.04*3,000=$3,120
D. Lose because the mechanic could not have foreseen injury to Phillip.