trophic level
Each step of the food chain in the energy pyramid is called a trophic level.
You can use a plotting compass or iron filings to detect a magnetic field:
1.put a piece of paper over a magnet (this stops the iron filings sticking to the magnet)
2. sprinkle iron filings onto the paper
3.gently tap the paper to spread the filings out
4.observe and record the results
The leaves of the branches of the forest and garden trees are very valuable roughage for goats in winter. It can replace up to half of the estimated roughage for the day, ie. 4-5 twigs weighing 2 kilograms. The nutritional value of wallets is about 2 times less than that of hay. The most nutritious is acacia, followed by willow, hazel, elm, linden, oak, ash, maple, pear, quiver, poplar, etc. Regardless of the type, the most nutritious are the leaves prepared in June and July, while the branches of the trees are still tender and not completely woody.