Tiger is a top predator in the jungles of Asia and the goldfish is a small species of fish selectively bred in China and they are not at all related.
All living things have the same way of transferring genetic information, trough the DNA molecule. Genetic analyses showed that the last common ancestor (LUCA) of all organisms on Earth has lived 3,5 billion years ago. After that, all living things diverged into separate groups. Tigers and goldfish both are animals and have a common ancestor. Tigers may be in a close relationship with other big cats like lions and cheetahs, but they all have a common ancestor with the goldfish since all vertebrates have a common ancestor that was an ancient fish species.
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Ok so this is biology well vegitation is certain plants well the plant in its inside have certain medicines that cant be used on humans or animal
those are what that medicine can go to well on sediment that medicine causes the sedeiment to slow goes sediment can break and kinda disolve like type well that medicineslows it down and keeps sedement longer teachers rteach what they think if u feel i did something wrong please let me know and i can do more research
As population grows all the above factors increase expect the biodiversity of animal and plant species.