The correct answer would be letter B. No revision is necessary. There is no revision needed in the sentence because the rules in using quotation marks and other punctuation marks are applied and they were placed correctly in the given sentence.
Tulip mania is a period in the 17th century when prices of tulips in the Netherlands went ridiculously high. It was referred to as the first financial bubble. It can be defined a massive rise in the price of an asset or sector, there occurs inflated prices due to positive-feedback cycle. The price of a single tulip becomes more expensive than a house and later, many investors realize that they are merely holding a tulip that they sold their houses for. Soon, the prices of the tulips collapsed due to a massive sell-off and many who have sold their properties to get the tulips went bankrupt.
Hopeful and optimistic
"The Americans of tomorrow, the America that is every day nearer coming to be, will be too wise, too open-hearted, too friendly-handed, to let the least lastcomer at their gates knock in vain with his gifts unwanted" (Yezierska).
Todo se desmorona (título original en inglés, Things Fall Apart) es una novela en inglés escrita por el autor nigeriano Chinua Achebe y publicada en 1958.