False. Specific gravity usually means relative density with respect to water. [ ]
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<h2>Region between 2 and 3</h2>
Muscles consists of two protein filaments:a thick filament which is made up of protein myosin whereas a thin filament is made up of protein actin
- During contraction,thin filaments slide past the thick filament resulting in shortening of sarcomere
- Myosin thick filaments grab on to the actin filaments by forming cross bridges
- The thick filaments pull the thin filaments past them making the sarcomere shorter
- The region between points 2 and 3 includes the area of overlap between thin and thick filaments
Sensation can be defined as
the activation of sensory receptor cells by the stimulus. However, the
processing of the sensory stimuli into a meaningful pattern can refer to as
perception. Thus, not all sensation is usually perceived but perception is
dependent on sensation.