From its foundation on 28 December 1885 by A.O. Hume, a retired British officer, until the time India gained its independence on 15 August 1947, the Indian National Congress was considered to be the largest and most prominent Indian public organization, as well as the central and defining influence of the long Indian Independence Movement
The main Clause was to get freedom from the British government
You didn't provide choices, but the main reason for refusing entry into the League of Nations was the belief that doing so meant giving up some of the United States' own sovereignty and could commit the US to defend other nations' security rather than its own.
The United States never joined the League of Nations, in spite of the fact that an organization such as the League of Nations was the signature idea of US President Woodrow Wilson. He had laid out 14 Points for establishing and maintaining world peace following the Great War (World War I). Point #14 was the establishment of an international peacekeeping association. The Treaty of Versailles adopted that idea, but back home in the United States, there was not support for involving America in any association that could diminish US sovereignty over its own affairs or involve the US again in wars beyond those pertinent to the United States' own national security. Because of its objections to membership in the League of Nations, the United States Senate refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles.
People Who became homeless during the Great Depression would often move to locations called Hoovervilles.
- During this great depression, many people become unemployed and most of them were homeless. A lot of them were on roads for survival and later moved towards the out of the city.
- This great depression hardly hit the survival of the people. These people mostly move to the outer of the city which was called shantytowns where they moved and arrange the shelter for them temporarily.
- Due to this, the people were not able to pay the rent and tax. There were 100's of Hoovervilles across the country.
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An increase in the nation's agricultural output as there was an rural-urban drift to the neglect of agriculture