The correct answer is B. Permissive parenting
The Carmichaels do not believe in punishing their children; instead, they shape their children’s behaviors by praising them and showering them with affection. This parenting style most closely resembles PERMISSIVE PARENTING.
Permissive parenting is a type of parenting style characterized by low demands with high responsiveness.
Permissive parents tend to be very loving, yet provide few guidelines and rules. These parents do not expect mature behavior from their children and often seem more like a friend than a parental figure just like
The Carmichaels in the context
When we say dependent, it is a person who relies on another for financial support. Usually a dependent relies on another family member. In terms of economics, geography, demography and sociology, dependency ratio is an age-population ratio of those. Dependents are those individuals who are not in the labor force aging 0 to 14 and 65+. The labor force are those who are the productive ones whose age are in the range of 15 to 64. These are also those who qualify as taxpayer’s dependents. Those who are considered dependents are normally, a child, non-working spouse, parent, brother, brother or sister.
Over time, usually many years. This is the correct answer.