There is a sequence of preparing statements of financial statements because some statements use information from other statements of financial position. The income statement does not require information from any other statements. The retained earnings need information from income statement to calculate current retained earnings. The balance sheets require information from statement of retained earnings(retained earnings for this period).
The government often plays some key roles in the economy. Redistributing income, providing a structure and promoting stability are the role of government.
Role of government
The government plays some key roles which are;
- They Provide legal structure.
- They are known to Redistribute income.
- Reallocating resources.
- They Promote stability.
The redistribution of income is known to be the distribution carried out again or anew.
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The conception of man as an economic animal is implied by the view that economic production is the determining “factor” or “sphere” of man or society. Against this conception can be put another, that of man as praxis. This takes account of man as a creative being, capable of realizing his freedom through his own activity. In this article the theory of the determining role of the “economic factor”, and the theory of factors in general have been examined. The economic interpretation of history, a variant of the theory of factors, has been acknowledged as partly true for the self‐alienated man and society, but the theory of factors in any variant has been found inadequate as a general theory of man, or society. The possibility of freedom cannot be reduced to the fact that the determining roles played by “factors”, vary, or to the hope that the economic “factor” can be subordinated to a “better” one. Man's freedom consists in his resolving the conflict of “factors”, and in realizing himself as an integral creative being, no longer split into independent and mutually opposed spheres.
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Workforce diversity challenges, technological challenges, and economic challenges
The challenges (trends) Consolidation Tech Plus (CTP), Inc. Should be aware of in the environment of human resource management that require HR to play a more central role in this growing organization are :
Workforce diversity challenges includes Acceptance and Respect, Accommodation of Beliefs ,Ethnic and Cultural Differences,
Gender Equality among others
Technological challenges includes Information security, Risk management and governance,
Regulatory compliance, Technology integration and upgradation, Resource management among others
Economic challenges includes Conflict and Poverty, Competing in a New Era of Globalization,Global Imbalances,Rise of New Powers among others