I believe they should take art so when we are older and we are asked to draw or paint something we can.Also art is a fun activity and it is brain growth.
Civilization on the Italian peninsula began growing as early as the eighth century BCE, and the Roman Empire reached its territorial peak under Emperor Trajan, who died in CE 117
Hope this helps!
What is your favorite thing about being in high school? Why?
What part of high school have you found to be the hardest? Why?
If you could tell your younger self anything, what would it be?
What is the best way our country could reduce violence in schools?
If you had to write a creed for yourself and your life, what qualities would it include?
What is the best feeling in the world? Why?
What is the worst feeling in the world? Why?
Write about a time when you faced an ethical dilemma. What did you do?
How much time do you spend getting ready each morning? Write about your typical routine.
Do you ever feel like you can say things on the Internet that you wouldn’t say in real life? Why or why not?