This is what it would be if you translate it to English
This recording is a fragment of the documentary Tocar y lucha, which is about a music education program aimed at young people at risk: The National System of Youth and Children's Orchestras and Choirs of Venezuela. The recording presents information about this program and its goals, in the words of the founder of El Sistema, Dr. José Antonio Abreu, Venezuelan musician, economist and educator considered one of the cultural icons of Venezuela. The recording highlights the beneficial effect that music has had on the community, its young participants and society in general.
Quisiera formular algunas razones contra la idea de la literatura como un pasatiempo de lujo a favor de considerarla, además de uno de los más enriquecedores quehaceres del espíritu, una actividad irreemplazable para la formación democrática, de individuos libres, y que, por lo mismo, debería inculcarse en las familias desde la infancia y formar parte de todos los programas de educación como una disciplina básica. ya sabemos que ocurre lo contrario, que la literatura tiende a encongerse e, incluso, desaparecer del curriculo escolar como enseñanza prescindible.
The text you have written is very well written. I have found just a few mistakes with regard to capital letters, some accents and the "ñ" sound. The "ñ" letter doesn't exist in English but something that can helpyou distinguish this sound is for example, the sound made by the letters "n" and "y" in English in the word "canyon". So the word "enseñanza" would be pronounced "ensenyanza". Then, accents show the syllable that is more prominent. There are some rules to know when you should accent a syllable and when you shouldn't.
For example, in Spanish vowels are the ones that should be accented but not all vowels. Just those vowels that sound louder than the others.
"I gave my brother a video game" Is the translation, And your indirect object pronoun is "brother" Or in Spanish "Hermano".
Importance of social networks is what it is saying