Explanation below
Electoral collage is outdated for the following reasons below
Many people are of the opinion that the reason for creating the Electoral College have been defeated. Modern technology and the different political parties come up with different ways to pass on necessary information to voters that would enable them make better decisions during election.
Electors were seen to be free form bias but these members are now being selected by the different political parties and they are expected to vote their party members whether they like the chosen candidate or not.
The electoral college of the United States of America gives excessive powers to swing states, and that in some ways do allow a few states to decide the outcome of the presidential election. The two major parties can bank on winning electoral votes in some states without getting their heads around the actual vote totals.
There are a group of eleven states known as the battleground states. President Trump and Hilary Clinton did more than ninety percent of their campaigns in those states. Ohio, Florida, Pennsylyvania and North Carolina are four of the battle states that received most visits from the presidential election candidates at that time .
The idea of one person one vote cannot be feasible due to the Electoral College system because the votes from the masses are not rightly distributed according to the number of people in those areas. Each state would get one electoral vote for their member in the house of representative. There is an overrepresentation of small states in the Electoral College, many would say, due to this arrangement.