An internal combustion engine convert a chemical energy to mechanical (kinetic) energy, which causes motion. the two types are: diesel powered or gasoline powered internal combustion engine. It has major applications in cars, trucks and vehicles.
Generally, internal combustion engines has a low efficiency due to some factors; rate of combustion, amount of available air etc. With the diesel engine having greater efficiency compared to that of gasoline engine.
According to thermodynamics, the remaining 70% would be dissipated to the surroundings in the form of heat.
A person makes decisions based on the stimulus the person is being subjected to.
When a person is driving all the unneeded information is discarded and only the relevant information is processed. When the noise consists of sirens from emergency vehicles a person is likely to give slow down and give way.
Train whistles also makes the driver slow down as it indicates that a railway crossing ahead.
A car normally sounds a certain way. If something was wrong with the car the sound would change this would make the driver check on the engine.
Hence, the stimuli mentioned here changes leads to driving decisions.
A democracy. Is the correct answer
Depends on the previous knowlege. But based off of whats given no it was not because I believe the gifted and talented program should be based off of decison making and creativeness.