Answer:Rogers was twice appointed Governor of the Bahamas, where he succeeded in warding off threats from the Spanish, and in ridding the colony of pirates. His first term as governor was financially ruinous, and on his return to England, he was imprisoned for debt.
Answer: A. It covers a woman’s face and body.
It is really dificult for someone to arrive at this conclusion and regret situations that might affect others negatively, and then acknoledge his/her mistake. As a result this person decides to make amends, correct any wrongs and follow another direction. This takes courage, humility and being honest with oneself and others, as well as genuine desire to create a better relationship and communication with people.
The answer is A: a constitution with detailed language and rules.
A constitution is a <em>set of political principles</em>, that are guides to help a state to be governed, specially in relation to the people it governs, presenting the <em>rights of the people</em>. Also, it seeks to r<em>egulate the relationship between institutions of the state, and between individuals and the state.</em>