the eastern and western deserts is the correct answer.
Be a U.S. citizen.
Be a resident of the Arizona county listed on your registration.
Be at least 18 years old on or before the date of the next general election.
NOT be convicted of a felony (or have had your civil rights restored).
NOT be declared "incompetent" by a court.
The Anti-Federalists insisted that a Bill of Rights be added to the Constitution because they believed that this document would give far too much power to the federal government--making it tyrannical. Therefore they wanted to ensure that the most fundamental human liberties would be protected by adding these amendments.
Brazil announces vaccine rollout plan, and Lebannon's Prime Minister was charged over deadly Beirut Blast.
CNN is a good reputable source for you to check if this is recurring assignment, good luck!
After thorough research, that question has the same one with the following choices.
(A) They thought senators could work from their states.
(B) They decided that one senator was enough.
(C) They could not find two deserving senators.
(D) They could not decide who to elect.
So the correct answer is (A) They thought senators could work from their states.
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