because first humans appeared on africa.
It provided free and safe travel across the Silk Road, it isolated Russia, and helped spread the bubonic plague
John D. Rockefeller. Rockefeller made his fortune by revolutionizing the oil industry.
Unlike Plato, he did not theorize about idealized principels of government. Aristotle believed that the ideal form of gvm't balanced monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy in one system.
What was Jefferson's vision of America?
Jefferson's vision for the United States was that it would become an agrarian nation, composed of white yeoman farmers who owned their own lands. He viewed European societies, especially Great Britain, as corrupt, controlled by moneyed interests and afflicted with the problems that he saw as endemic in urban settings
What did Thomas Jefferson believe in government?
Thomas Jefferson believed strongly in religious freedom and the separation of church and state. While President, Jefferson was accused of being a non-believer and an atheist.