The incident Three Mile Island in the United States exhilarated the anti-nuclear movement.
The Three Mile Island is the nuclear power plant site situated in Middletown, Pennsylvania. On March 28, 1979, there was a meltdown in the site releasing harmful and dangerous radioactive gasses into the atmosphere. Due to this release of gasses into the atmosphere, cases of cancer and birth-defect were reported in the surrounding area.
<u>After this accident of the Three Mile Island, the </u><u>anti-nuclear movement</u><u>, a social movement, was exhilarated. The movement opposed the production of nuclear weapons and nuclear plants at the time when the Cold War was being fought. Around 200,00 people participate in this social movement</u>.
2. Nationalists believe that their country is better than all others. It’s really a toxic philosophy, though, since we live in a global society where every country is connected economically. It’s especially confusing in America, because America is a country of Native Americans and immigrants.
William Levitt used his military experience in order to change the home-building industry. Levitt created several "Levittowns" especially in the Northeast part of the US. Just like in the military, these houses would be uniform in look and size. This helped to develop the modern day concept of a suburb and promoted uniformity during the 1950's.
The emperor was at the top of the 'feudal pyramid'