Elizabeth I was the queen of England
A is wrong cause summer is capitalized
B is wrong cause Florida isn’t capitalized
C should be correct cause the week day is capitalized, and the movie is too but the period should be a “,”.
D is wrong cause birthday shouldn’t be capitalized
Answer: He is curious about how they are burying the dead. ... The narrator has compassion for those people who are suffering. He shows sorrow, tears, sadness, and desperation.
A man (or a human to be politically correct). In Greek mythology, a monster in the city of Thebes called the Sphinx would ask this question to any passerby and if they couldn't answer it correctly, the Sphinx would eat him/her. In the morning, the man is a baby and he crawls on fours. In the afternoon, a man is grown and walks on two feet. In the evening, the man is old and requires a cane to walk. The man who solved this riddle was Oedipus who, upon solving it, caused the Sphinx to fling herself off a cliff and commit suicide.