Both can transfer energy through matter, but sound waves travel through air and infrared waves travel through space.
They wanted to stay out of another out of another war and European affairs. 1936-Germany Troops Move Into Rhineland.
1. Normal
2. Criticism of Existing Regime
3. Widespread Dissatisfaction
1. Society divided into class and rank with church, nobles sitting above everyone else. The churhc and nobles owned majority of the land and wealth
2. Enlightenments used reason and science to question the hierarchy of society and revolutionary ideas start spreading in the country.
3. Events anger citizens which question the people in power. Events of debt due to war from Louis XIV, self-indulgence like Louis XV and Louis XVI. Increase in food prices which people can't afford and the taxing of nobles.
<span>English is the official language of Belize.</span>
Assuming that this is referring to the same list of options that was posted before with this question, the best answer is that tighter immigration laws were passed, because the nativists thought that immigrants were stealing jobs.