While statements determine whether a statement is true or false. If what’s stated is true, then the program runs the statement and returns to the first step. If what’s stated is false, the program exits the while and goes to the next statement. An added step to while statements is turning them into continuous loops. If you don’t change the value so that the condition is never false, the while statement becomes an infinite loop.
If statements are the simplest form of conditional statements, statements that allow us to check conditions and change behavior/output accordingly. The part of the statement following the if is called the condition. If the condition is true, the instruction in the statement runs. If the condition is not true, it does not. The if statements are also compound statements. They have a header (if x) followed by an indented statement (an instruction to be followed is x is true). There is no limit to the number of these indented statements, but there must be at least one.
The chemical energy in food is transformed into mechanical energy through a process called respiration. This isn't really a computers and technology question though. Try Biology next time.
A and C
To obtain information about the case of the error the engineer would navigte thus:
Endpoint > Log Files > messages.log > (c) VCS > Maintenance > Diagnostics > Incident Reporting > View.
Click on the New Slide icon. 2.
Enter the slide position desired. N/A
Click where you want to add the slide. 1.
Select New Slide from the Tools menu. 3.
Switch to the Normal or Slide Sorter view. 4.
Switch to the Notes or Outline view. 5.
You can never enter the slide position desired, and you need to click on the slide after which you want the new slide to be placed. Thus, enter the slide position desired is not applicable, and you need to click where you want to add the slide, and more accurately after which. Hence, this is the 1st. Now you need to click on the new slide icon. Then you need to select the new slides from the tools menu. The slide will appear in Normal view, and you can design the slide now as well as add the notes. You can then move to slide sorter view to arrange the slides, or you can arrange from the slide tab as well. Finally to check(edit) the notes and outline you can change the view to notes or Outline view. Hence, the above answer.
Keep in mind that through presenter view, you can make the slide show where you can see the slides and your notes, and the listeners can see the slides only.