The computer that responds to requests from the client computer:
Connects network devices or different parts of a network:
A piece of equipment that directs data where it should go:
Connects many different Ethernet devices and allows them to connect to the network with one connection:
The computer that uses service provided by a server:
<span>If you sort a portion of an Excel sheet and you get an error message such as #DIV/0, the cause of the error message is (B) one or more cells containing absolute cell references. The possible reason of this error message includes: (1) e</span><span>ntering division formula that divided by zero (0), (2) and that is being used as a reference.</span>
Authorization specifies what a user can do, and access control enforces what a user can do.
Authorization is simply granting access to an authenticated user of an application. It specifies what a user can and/or cannot do. For example, for a user to access their banking details in an online banking service, they have to be authorized by first authenticating them to prove their identity. Another example is in an organizational system where some users (normally called admins) can access certain database info whereas some other users (normally called the regular users) cannot.
Access control is used to enforce the policies dictated by authorization. In other words, access control enforces the policy of what a user can and/or cannot do. Access control makes authorization possible. It is sometimes called privileges or permissions. For example, the <em>security tab </em>in the operating system of Windows, allow to set access privileges for certain files and/or folders. Another example is in an organizational system where some files on the organization's server are configured in such a way that access to it is restricted and dependent on some further authorization.