3-database of new clients
It gains purchasing power. Less money in circulation = more value.
To convert hexadecimal number 11BA to decimal, follow these two steps:
Start from one's place in 11BA : multiply ones place with 16^0, tens place with 16^1, hundreds place with 16^2 and so on from right to left
Add all the product we got from step 1 to get the decimal equivalent of 11BA.
Using the above steps, here is the work involved in the solution for converting 11BA to decimal number (Don't forget that we start from ones place to so on...)
Decimal equivalent of "A" = (A) 10 × 16^0 = 10
Decimal equivalent of "B" = (B) 11 × 16^1 = 176
Decimal equivalent of "1" = 1 × 16^2 = 256
Decimal equivalent of "1" = 1 × 16^3 = 4096
Decimal equivalent of "11BA" = 409625617610
11BA = 4538
Here is the final answer, The hexadecimal number 11BA converted to decimal is therefore equal to:
The answer is true.
Let's say we are calculating the volume of a grain silo where the the width is a constant, but the height can be changed.
In our code we would calculate the volume using something like:
PI * (WIDTH / 2)^2 * height
The variables in all caps would be named constants. Using them makes the code more readable to other people than if we were to just use their values like:
3.14 * (145.75 / 2)^2 * height
Student presentation concepts from another source
Letitia - a step-by-step process of breaking down glucose into energy
Mana - repeating process of the steps of the cell division, going from interphase to division, and back to interphase.
Paul - a series of organisms that show similar characteristics and compare them to those that do not
Which best describes the SmartArt graphic layout each student should use?
Letitia would use a process, Maria would use a cycle, and Paul would use a relationship.
Letita's assignment requires her to show how glucose can be broken down into energy, this requires a series of steps in s linear fashion, meaning it would be best suited to a process-style diagram.
Marta's project involves showing the steps of the cell cycle: the clue is in the name. This process is not linear, and instead repeats itself, meaning it fits to a cycle diagram (i.e. a circular diagram)
Paul is comparing and contrasting different organisms. Therefore, he should use a relationship diagram to show shared characteristics as well as features that differ.