Dear diary,
Today I saw a horrible quarrel between my peers.
It was over something as little as a dollar, the two very young boys made a bet, the bet was to see who could spit further away, the reward for spitting the furthest was one dollar. After the game was over and the winner was declared the little boy, he then presented the prize 4 quarters, the other child who had a lack of education was expecting a $1 bill not four quarters, the angry young boy then assaulted the other child who presented the 4 quarters. A ghastly fight then broke out.
To avoid this conflict in the future children should come to an agreement and should be made to get an education.
If when you are getting out of bed in the morning, you are offered a “jentacular” cup of tea, don’t be offended: it means just about anything (in this case, tea) related to breakfast.
Ignominy is a state of dishonor, disgrace or shame.
It can mean the loss of one's reputation or caught doing a disgraceful act.
<span>Zeus is one of the powerful gods of Greek mythology. In the story of Antigone by Sophocles, he punishes the rebels. It is because he despises the arrogance and proud persona of the rebels. He hates someone who denies a burial, however, Creon fails to look into his message.</span>