Yes i believe it is possible. Complete proteins are proteins with all the indispensable amino acids present in proper proportions; for example in foods like eggs, meat, fish, milk. Incomplete proteins on the other hand are food proteins that contain a limiting amount of one or more indispensable amino acids needed for growth; for example corn tortillas are lacking in lysine. It is possible to make a complete protein by combining together two incomplete protein foods in the same meal.
Great Question! <em>The function of DNA polymerase is to replicate, proofread and repair the DNA.</em>
Explanation:Research questions are formulated by Scientist to aid research by given it more direction and guide.
For a Thai Fishermen the following questions will be formulated,
1. What is the relationship of Thai men eyesight and fishing
2. What makes the eye sight so important
3. Is eye sight a tool for fishing
4. What is the biology or features of Thai men eyes
Situational Negotiation of Identity
when our claimed or perceived identity varies depending on the context. One among severally culturally distinct groups in a society or region; members share beliefs, values, habits, customs, and norms. You can be one thing or another depending on your setting Minority groups: subordinate groups in society.