(a)- Trust vs. Mistrust Birth-18 months (Infancy) hope
Trust vs mistrust: Erik Erikson has given his theory of psychosocial development, and trust vs mistrust is the first stage out of Eight stages. The trust vs mistrust stage starts from birth and lasts till eighteen months of age. Erikson demonstrated that if any child lacks the development of any of the stage then it will lead to developmental disorders later in life.
The infants in this stage believes that their parents or the caregivers will provide the care, attention, and basic needs. If the needs are not being fulfilled by the parents or the caregivers, then the child might develop anxiety, suspicion, and mistrust.
Anna developed trust vs mistrust issues, because of inappropriate care and attention given to her at that stage.
If this is for a test, then the answer is yes. However, in the real world, you should contact the police first, and they will evaluate the specific situation and follow the course of action that is deemed fit.
An absence of menstruation in a postpubescent female is known as amenorrhea. It is a state in which a woman of reproductive age loses her menstrual cycle. Very often athlethes lose their periods, because of losing too much energy, so the body has not enough energy to release an egg and to get the period.
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