what website is it i can help if you tell me the website
We should not be so desperate to achieve our aims that we follow the wrong route.
Ernie is a character in the story who wanted to be a successful reporter. In his quest to write the big stories, he flouted the requirement of transparency and honesty in reporting. When John Vollmer a soldier drowned in the river, Ernie disguised himself to obtain information about him from his parents. He was not transparent in his investigation.
A guilty conscience would later make him to stealthily return the photo he collected from the parents of the deceased and run away. His desperation made him not to follow the right guidelines in reporting and the consequence of that was a bad conscience.
Items 1–10 are each worth two points, for a twenty-point assessment. Each part of a
EBSR is worth 1 point; MSR and TECR items should be answered correctly in full, though
you may choose to provide partial credit. If you decide to have students complete the
constructed response, use the correct response parameters provided in the Answer Key
along with the scoring rubric listed below to assign a score of 0 through 4.
Score: 4
• The student understands the question/prompt and responds suitably using the
appropriate text evidence from the selection or selections.
• The response is an acceptably complete answer to the question/prompt.
• The organization of the response is meaningful.
• The response stays on-topic; ideas are linked to one another with effective transitions.
• The response has correct spelling, grammar, usage, and mechanics, and it is written
neatly and legibly.
Score: 3
• The student underst
Split infinitive: He was to diligently read each night.
Correction: He was to read diligently each night.
A split infinitive occurs when a sentence is constructed using an infinitive and an adverb, while adding the word "to" before the adverb.
This can be corrected by arranging the words correctly without changing the intended meaning. This is done by placing the verb before the adverb in the sentence.