The correct answer to the following question will be Additivity.
In linear programming, there are four mathematical assumptions such as :
- Proportionality
- Additivity
- Divisibility
- Certainty
The fact that the algebraic sum of the individual weighted effect is equal to the combined effect of the variables in an equation. Thus, the amount that ensures the total records used can be found by totaling the number of resources and the objective function used for all variables of decision is known as Additivity.
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"You passed the test!"
Here user reading grade "test_score" and checking the student score in "If" condition. If it is less than 60 we are printing "You failed the test!" and if it is >60 we are outputting the string "You passed the test!" and else if it not satisfying any of these then we are printing "You need to study for the next test!".As "test_score" value is 90 which is >60 it satisfies the condition >60. So we are printing the string "You passed the test!"
I have concluded the answer is a
True . Because Press " ESC " To Exit Off Of Slide .