Step 1 : Start
Step2 : Input first number, num1
Step3 : Input second number, num2
Step4 : product - - > num1 * num2 (product of num1 and num2)
Step5 : Input product, myanswer
Step6 : comparison - - - > correct or incorrect based on myanswer and product
Step6: print(comparison)
Step7: End
Algorithm is a sequence of instructions a computer is expected to follow to solve a particular problem.
Required :
Two inputs ; num1 and num2
Expected output
Algorithm :
Step 1 : Start
Step2 : Input first number, num1
Step3 : Input second number, num2
Step4 : product - - > num1 * num2 (product of num1 and num2)
Step5 : Input product, myanswer
Step6 : comparison - - - > correct or incorrect based on myanswer and product
Step6: print(comparison)
Step7: End
The two numbers to multiply are entered ; the product is calculated by the program ; the the user inputs his or her own expecteted product ;
Both are compared and the output of the comparison is displayed (either correct oe incorrect)
Rectification is "C. The conversation of an AC current to a DC current
It’s gonna be Answer B because all the other answers just sound silly
Answer: science is the study of the world, and technology changes the world to solve problems.
for i in range(20, 51, 2):