I found a similar question. If the attached document is the same as your supposed question, then my answer are below.
AV valves open - atrial pressure is greater than ventricular pressure
AV valves closed - Ventricular pressure rises above atrial pressure
Semilunar valves closed - ventricular pressure is lower than arterial pressure
Semilunar valves open - pressure in the ventricles is greater than the pressure in the great arteries
Lack of moisture – Papery leaves on plants are often caused by leaf scorch. .
Excessive moisture – Leaf scorch can also be attributed to too much moisture. This occurs when the soil is so wet that the roots are deprived of oxygen. As the roots smother, the leaves turn dry and papery and the plant eventually dies.
Something that indicates or fixes a limit or extent. Those two trees mark the boundary of our property. The mountain range that forms the country's northern boundary.
It is one of these meanings because I don't know what type of boundary you mean.
Intestine, Bladder, Stomach, Oesophagus, Bronchi and in the walls of blood vessels. Most of it is found in internal organs expect for the heart because that is cardiac muscle.
Pumping blood in and out of the heart.