trading, weaving, making basket, making useful tool
They helped immigrants feel greater and relaxed in their new environment. The individuals from the fraternal lodges and religious institution sharing a common culture, origin and objectives, filled in as a care group for each other with passionate, good, and business prompt and furthermore fiscally with low or no interest monetary loans. It helped them survive in America as well as flourish.
Either A or C. Probably A.
economic prosperity gain by earning and saving more money while economic disruption occurs due to wasting more money and earning less.
The economic prosperity is gained by using new global circulation of goods, because these new method are quick and less costly as compared to old methods of regional trade, while on the other hand, economic disruption occurs by using the old method of global circulation of goods because these methods are very old and not applied to this modern world.
the raiders were known throughout Andersonville for their harsh tactics and vicious behavior towards their fellow inmates.