The left and right pulmonary veins carry blood to I believe the left atrium.
i would suggest going to the doctor to see what kind of anti-pain med you need. and anti-rash medication you need. I suggest going to the doctor because i dont know exactly which one will help with your specific chemical burn, but your doctor may know.
When a person dies the medical professional needs to fill the death certificates with the cause, mechanism, and manner of death on it. There is confusion between all three terms.
The cause of death is the reason behind the death such as disease or injury that makes disruption physiologically inside the body of an individual. The mechanism of death is the derangement that arises due to the cause of death and leads to the death of the person. The third term is the manner of death is how death came (physiological reason).
An example is - a person shot by a gun in the chest (cause of death) which leads to excessive blood loss (mechanism of death) which is homicide (manner of death)
Answer: c. Maximal and near-maximal strength testing is not safe for those with risk factors for coronary heart disease.
The one -repetition maximum or 1RM is a test that is performed so as to assess the strength capacity of the individuals in typical non-laboratory environments. It can be define as the maximum weight that an individual can lift for one repetition only with the implementation of the correct technique.
The C is false this is because of the fact that 1RM testing is actually safe for people with the coronary heart disease. But it is not suitable for orthopedic patients.
4/1 is the 4mEq/mL (mEq on top, mL on bottom) Then we'll cross mulitply with an equivalent fraction with mEq (unknown, "x") on top, 4.5mL on bottom
4/1 = x/4.5
x = 18mEq