<span>They built aqueducts that carried water from the hills to the city.</span>
John Dewey, American educator, wrote the very influential book called "Democracy and Education". He was a wise man with strong political and social issues, that's why his ideas are considered to be the most influential in education and social reform throughout the educational history of America. He is often associated with a terms of pragmatism and functional psychology.
Can be considered poor. Their GDP puts them in the second lowest position in the worldwide GDP rank, meaning that both their income and consumption are very low (small scale farming and textile manufacturing are also evidence of this) meaning their living conditions are sub-optimal for most of the people.
wrapping paper
chip bags
empty water bottles
Architectural aesthetics and Urban planning in America
City Beautiful Movement was a great reform in urban planning and modern architecture. The shapelessness of American cities emerged into more developed and advanced with an extraordinary speed between 1860 and 1900. It promoted beauty to create moral and civic virtue.
Columbian Exposition 1893, Chicago, celebrated the 400th year anniversary of Christopher Columbus' arrival in America.
Both the movement and Columbian Exposition advocated the philosophy of beauty and the value of aesthetics required to promote harmonious social order.
Two websites:
Both these websites give a detailed description of two major historic event in America. It provides sufficient information about the events and their influence on each other.