The answer to that would have to be c I think this is it so a feature bl bl bla
The Home ribbon contains the Paragraph attributes
Basically computer does 5 basic operations that are input, output, process,storing and controlling. Input is basically taking data from the user, processing is transferring that data into useful information, then that information needs to be stored and controlled and finally output is give to user.
computers and Mobile phones ( including game consoles and tablets) are managed through device management
Device management includes a type of security software used to monitor,secure and manage systems such as mobile phones computer laptops and desktops, Tablets and smart televisions as well as Game consoles. It as well involves the management,operation and maintenance of the physical aspect of the systems from external threats/intruders
Anti virus software is an example of a device management software used to protect systems from malware, by detecting and removing them and also by preventing them.
Firewall is a complete device management tool because it detects and prevents intruders and virus from penetrating the system software