A Tape Library
A tape library, sometimes called a tape silo, tape robot or tape jukebox, is a storage device that contains one or more tape drives, a number of slots to hold tape cartridges, a barcode reader to identify tape cartridges and an automated method for loading tapes. It Enables faster data migrations, reduce the complexity of and increase the frequency of backups, and streamline governance in a secure and cost-effective way.
OLE DB Driver for SQL Server uses the term data source for the set of OLE DB interfaces used to establish a link to a data store, such as SQL Server. Creating an instance of the data source object of the provider is the first task of an OLE DB Driver for SQL Server consumer.
hope it helps you and give me a brainliest
Er..... i do not know the answer to this
Data use policies
Technically data use policies are not specifically made to protect user privacy, however it also should not violate user privacy. Data use policies are required by law. They are compulsory disclosures that list the various ways in which data in the form of personal data of individuals is collected, shared or used by digital companies(companies that operate on the internet, make use of email lists, etc ) are used.
A source file has source code, what a human understands. It isn't compiled or linked.
An object file has compiled, but not linked intermediary code.
An executable file has compiled and linked code which is executable.