The answer might be the deer, so answer A
1. A pencil, four sheets of paper, and a ruler.
The sentence has no verb.
Gothic literature is often presented as “case studies,”. The Gothic story ultimately asks the readers to try to understand the definition of terror.
The correct answer is D.
Gothic novels are the novels which contain elements provoking suspense and mystery. The setting of such novels is usually built around places like a castle, graveyard, cave, church, dungeon or cathedral. The plot involves locations which are untrod by humans and are remote, uninhabited, hilly areas and forests. Elements bringing horror and terror are present in such settings. Images of isolation and loneliness are included in such settings.
maybe a poem about modern day human attraction to technology
Valley of Ashes symbolizes the poorest, most desolate parts of New York's towns. It represents dreary isolation from wealth and deceitful behaviors from the citizens.