I think that maybe people are saying different answers because there might have been many such laws. I will mention one example: the Diversity Visa Immigration: it means that people from Eastern Europe have a higher change of obtaining a visa due to a smaller population in the US than the western European Countries.
DFarmers who demanded a better governmernt
Southerners otherwise known as the Northern Song Dynasty.
They committed late to the Mongolian empire so they are lowest in class.
Ferdinand Magellan was the first (at least his crew) to successfully lead an expedition to circumnavigate the world. (he died on the voyage, but ~3 sailors made it back i believe, forgot the number of sailors, but very little)
hope this helps
I personally feel that most of the working citizens in America, today only work so they get payed and they have something to look forward to after they have retired from working their whole adult lives. It's nice to be treated every once in a while when you've done something great. It's even a possibility that a good hand full of people might even quit working just because they don't have something to look forward to. Maybe if they got payed more and put it away for a rainy day they might not complain, but there is always a chance.