The Ford Model T was a low-cost car produced by the Ford Motor Company of Henry Ford from 1908 to 1927. With it became popular production chain, allowing lower prices and facilitating the acquisition of cars to the middle class, was also the first serial car in the world.
This car has a direct impact on popular culture, from the moment it appeared it could be seen in the silent cinema and its price was accessible to society, giving the feeling of economic prosperity.
November 09
Nazis launch Kristallnacht
On November 9, 1938, in an event that would foreshadow the Holocaust, German Nazis launch a campaign of terror against Jewish people and their homes and businesses in Germany and Austria. The violence, which continued through November 10 and was later dubbed “Kristallnacht,” or “Night of Broken Glass,” after the countless smashed windows of Jewish-owned establishments, left approximately 100 Jews dead, 7,500 Jewish businesses damaged and hundreds of synagogues, homes, schools and graveyards vandalized. An estimated 30,000 Jewish men were arrested, many of whom were then sent to concentration camps for several months; they were released when they promised to leave Germany. Kristallnacht represented a dramatic escalation of the campaign started by Adolf Hitler in 1933 when he became chancellor to purge Germany of its Jewish population.
Postmodern ideologues declare that at the beginning of the 20th century the classical style of modern thinking is changing